Terms and Conditions

This Agreement was last modified on 7 October 2024.

Terms and Conditions

“AUTOZ Sp. Z.O.O.”, company code 5213955814, office address BARTYCKA 22B M21A / 00-716 WARSZAWA (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary), governs the rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) for provision of services on website www.autozparts.eu (hereinafter referred to as www.autozparts.eu or the Website) by the terms and procedure on provision of services of an Intermediary at the Website.

The Rules set out the general terms and conditions of contracts concluded on the Website and are an integral part of these contracts.

Nothing in these Rules shall be interpreted as limiting or in any way restricting the rights of customers under the laws of Poland.

Terms used in the Rules:

  • Intermediary – AutoZ Sp.Z.O.O. – an entity involved in management and administration of www.autozparts.eu, as well as providing other services related to use of www.autozparts.eu.
  • User - a person wishing to view the Advertisement and (or) wishing to purchase a product described in the Advertisements or using www.autozparts.eu in any other form.
  • Product – used and new vehicle parts, accessories and other parts for sale at www.autozparts.eu.
  • Advertisement – advertisements of goods offered taken the Intermediary from foreign websites, translated into Lithuanian and published on www.autozparts.eu.
  • Original Seller – the person who is the seller and (or) owner of the product. “AutoZ Sp.Z.O.O.” is only an Intermediary between the Original Seller and the User.

The User must carefully read and understand these Rules before using www.autozparts.eu and the services provided by the Intermediary.

The User expresses his consent to the Rules and the obligation to comply with them in any manner and form after he/she starts using www.autozparts.eu. Persons who do not agree with at least one condition of the Rules shall not be entitled to use www.autozparts.eu.

Only those persons who, according to the Civil Code of Poland, are capable of concluding the respective Contracts shall be entitled to enter into Contracts with www.autozparts.eu. By accepting the Rules, the User confirms that he/she has the right to register and (or) purchase goods on the Website.

The Intermediary only provides the technical capabilities to view the Advertisement database. The Intermediary is not the owner and (or) seller and (or) manufacturer of any of goods offered. The Intermediary shall only act as an intermediary between the Original Seller and the User, assisting the User in becoming introduced to the product offered, ordering the product, paying the price of the product and delivering the product to the place chosen by the User.

The Intermediary has the right to unilaterally change the services provided by www.autozparts.eu and their taxation and any provisions of the Rules. If the User continues to use the Website after change, revision or supplementation of the Rules, this will indicate the User's consent to the changes to the Rules.


“AutoZ Sp.Z.O.O.” follows the principle of minimum processing of personal data. However, it must process personal data in order to be able to provide intermediation services.

The user can order goods offered on the website www.autozparts.eu by registering on this website by entering his/her user name and password.

When registering on the website autozparts.eu, the User shall enter the personal data necessary for proper execution of the order in the relevant information fields provided by the Intermediary: name, surname, exact delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address and may include gender, date of birth and legal entity name.

The User confirms that the personal data provided on the Website are true, complete and correct.

By accepting these Rules, the User declares that he/she voluntarily submits his/her personal data to autozparts.eu and agrees that the data provided by him/her shall be stored and processed electronically in the www.autozparts.eu database for 2 (two) years from his last system login. Personal data is processed for the purpose of providing a proper service to the Users (providing information on the sale of the products in question, ordering a particular product/service, etc.). User data is also processed for the purpose of registering him/her in the website system.

By agreeing with the processing of his/her personal data in order to provide a proper service to the User, the User also agrees to receive to his/her e-mail address and telephone number the information messages necessary for ordering of goods.

The Intermediary confirms that personal data provided by the User will be processed only for the purposes specified in this section. The Intermediary undertakes not to disclose the User's personal data to third parties, except for the partners of the Intermediary providing delivery services or other services related to the proper fulfilment of the User's order. In all other cases, personal data of the User may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts of Poland.

The User has the right of access to his/her personal data and know how it is processed; require the destruction of personal data or suspend personal data process operations, except for storage, where such processing is not consistent with the law; not to agree with further processing of his/her personal data. The User must submit all requests to the Intermediary regarding the protection of the User's personal data in writing (including notification using general or customer service e-mail as specified in the website contacts).

By accepting these Rules, the User confirms that he/she authorizes the Intermediary to send to the User commercial offers and information messages of the services of the Intermediary company. The User has the right to refuse to receive such offers by notifying the Intermediary in the manner specified in the notices and/or offers received.


The Parties to this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) are AutoZ, as an administrator of website www.autozparts.eu (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary), on one side, and a natural person or legal entity, purchasing goods specified in the advertisements published on website www.autozparts.eu (hereinafter referred to as the User).

The Agreement between the Intermediary and the User shall be deemed to be concluded from the moment when the User, after selecting the ordered product and forming a cart, specifying the delivery address, choosing the payment method and studying these Rules, clicks on the “Order” button and is valid until total fulfilment of the obligations taken under the Agreement. In cases where the User does not agree to all or some of these Rules, he/she must not place an order.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the terms and conditions contained in this document shall always govern your agreement with the User. The User must familiarize himself/herself with the provisions of these Rules before using the Services.

All Agreements on www.xdalys.lt shall be concluded electronically, using communication means (computer networks). When concluding the Agreements, the Intermediary follows the Rules for the Sale of Goods and the Provision of Services where the Agreements are concluded through communication, as subsequently amended and/or supplemented approved by Order No 4-959 of the Minister of Economy of Poland of 23 December 2011.

Actions to be taken upon conclusion of an Agreement:

  1. The User chooses a product on www.autozparts.eu;
  2. The User shall read and thoroughly familiarize himself/herself with the information on a particular product provided by www.autozparts.eu. In case of questions or uncertainties, the User must contact the Intermediary using the contact details on the website www.autozparts.eu;
  3. After the User studied the product information, he/she shall click on the “add to cart” or other similar link on the website www.autozparts.eu;
  4. Once the User has selected all the desired products, a “shopping cart” will be opened and further instructions will be provided to complete all required data and take any other specified actions;
  5. After the User has read and agrees with the Rules, he/she shall put a tick in the field “I accept the Rules”;
  6. Once the User has chosen the payment method, payment is made and the purchase is completed.

The User shall have the right to withdraw from the Purchase and Sale Agreement concluded on the Website by notifying the Intermediary in writing within 7 business days from the day of the conclusion of the Agreement, unless the Agreement was commenced prior to the expiry of the 7 business day term. In such case, the Intermediary undertakes to take every effort to return the Product to the Original Seller and to refund to the User the price paid. The Intermediary's fee shall not be refunded to the User.

Rights and Obligations of the User

The User shall have the right to purchase the goods on the website www.autozparts.eu in accordance with the procedure set forth in these Rules and in other information sections of the Intermediary's website.

The User must pay the price of the goods and for their delivery, as well as any other payments (if any are provided in the Agreement) and accept the ordered goods.

If the data provided in the registration form of the registered User changes, the User must immediately update it.

The User, using the website www.autozparts.eu, undertakes to comply with these Rules, other terms and conditions clearly stated on the Website, and not to violate the legal acts of Poland.

Except as provided in the Agreement, the User has the right to demand timely and proper sale and delivery of the ordered goods.

Rights and Obligations of the Intermediary

If the User attempts to damage the stability and security of the Website or violates his/her obligations, the Intermediary shall have the right to immediately and without prior notice restrict or terminate the User's access to the Services.

The Intermediary undertakes to provide the User with the Services in accordance with the procedure specified in these Rules and other information sections of the Website.

The Intermediary shall have the right to unilaterally change, suspend or terminate the provision of any Service or Services, in whole or in part, at any time, without prior notice to the User.

The Intermediary undertakes to respect the User's privacy right to his/her personal data provided on the Website, except in cases specified in the Rules or legal acts of Poland.


The User is fully responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data provided in the registration form. If the User fails to provide accurate and complete data in the registration form, the Intermediary shall not be liable for the resulting consequences and shall have the right to claim from the User compensation for direct losses incurred by the Intermediary.

The User is responsible for the actions taken using the Website.

The Intermediary is released from any liability in cases where losses arise due to the fact that the User, without paying attention to the recommendations and his/her obligations, did not become acquainted with these Rules, even though he/she had such an opportunity.

The Intermediary is not responsible for the information provided on the Websites of other companies, even if the User accessed such websites through the links provided on the Website.

Final Provisions

These Rules have been drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of Poland.

Disputes arising from the implementation of these Rules shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of Poland.

These Rules shall enter into force from the moment of their publication on the Website.

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